IVF Clinics for Infertility Solution

Fertility is a tricky case for most of the childless couple. It will be common to find situation for a never ending accuse on this matter. Before you take this kind of situation, it will be fair to learn the statistic on fertility. Basically, 40 percent infertility case happen on the male, 40 percent on female and 20 percent set on the unknown reason. To check on the real problem, you need to consult to the doctor. The checkup will confirm whether there are some problems on the male or female side. Be prepared to find out that you may get the final result for being the 20 percent unknown infertility case. Once you get the result, it will be the time to set the decision. If you still have slim chance to have the child, it is worth to consider having the IVF procedure done. This method actually will let you to have advanced help on the fertilization process. With the IVF clinic help, the fertilization process will take place outside the mother body. It will take for about 2-6 days cultured zygote. Once it is ready, it will be transferred to the uterus to set successful pregnancy. 

The IVF procedure may seem so simple. But actually may not as easy as most people expected. The chance for failure has set the need to find the best ivf clinics in us. You can take the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine in Englewood as one of the option. The center actually attracts 40 percent of its patient from nearby area in Colorado. This is a good hint on the center reputation. But still, you need also to learn about the number of ART cycles and transfers. In 2002 statistic, the center has twice average national success rate for women at 38 up to 42 years old. The success mainly set by the fact that the women using their own eggs for the procedures.  The other alternative that you have is Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical Center, New York City. This clinic will be the best option when you want a real experience applied. The clinic actually has more than 15.000 babies. From this huge number, about 11.000 babies were born with the conventional IVF procedures. While the 4.000 were born thanks to the ICSI application. It is also worth to note that Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical Center has recommended facilities for preserving fertility in cancer patient. It is also have embryo genetic testing to ensure the baby free from sickle cell anemia and retinoblastoma.

For women with high follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) rate higher than 10, you can take a visit to the University Fertility Consultants at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland.  The clinic will accept you when you have the FSH level up to 15. You have to be aware though that using your own egg with such high FSH level will mean lower rate of pregnancy. But still, it will be better than having egg donation to get pregnant. The clinic simply gives you the chance to have a real genetic connection with the baby.