Sample of a Recommendation for A Permanent Appointment

This is a sample to recommend a permanent appointment in the point of view of the one who recommends somebody to a permanent appointment in the same company. Please take note of the characteristics of the person being recommended as also part of the qualifying standards set for the permanent appointment.

Recommendation for A Permanent Appointment
(Name of Recommendee), of legal age, and a resident of (complete address of recommendee) is hereby recommended for a Permenent Appointment to the position of (Proposed Designation) in the (Specific Office) of the (Department/Company). 
(Mr./Ms. Recommendee) is educationally qualified having finished (his/her) (current degree) which is more than the required qualification to the position. (He/She had also been with this (Department/Company)for the last (number of years) and has exhibited exemplary performance as (current position) in the (specific office). Please find, herein enclosed, (his/her) performance appraisal ratings for the last (number) rating periods. 
Pertinent to this recommendation and for your perusal are some of my personal observations of (his/her) performance of (his/her duties and responsibilities as (his/her) immediate supervisor in the (specific office). 
a) (He/She gives (his/her) full time and attention to the affairs of the (specific office) and the (department/company) during the normal business hours and devotes extra time and effort on the job, whenever necessary, without overtime pay or expectation of the same. 
b) (He/She) works efficiently, diligently and honestly at any given project or undertaking, even those activities below (his/her)specific position. Once given a job to do, (he/she) always try to find a more efficient and economical way of doing things. Although, (he/she) does not necessarily need to be supervised, (he/she) asks questions pertaining the job to clarify certain points. The team of which (he/she) is a member always finish the job effectively and with time to spare from the set time frame. 
c) (His/Her) people and social skills are exemplary. (He/She) works well with (his/her) colleagues, regardless of whether they are higher or lower in rank. (He/She) is always invited to be part of a team and usually becomes the leader of the group. As observed. (he/she) could encourage others to do a job willingly and with zest. 
c) (He/She) has been trusted with, which (he/she) faithfully keeps confidential, any information, verbal or documented pertinent to the affairs of the (department/company). For this, (he/she) has been recently awarded "Trustworthy Employee of the Year" for having passed the tests unobtrusively given by several teams at different times of the year. 
d) (His/her) entrepreneurial abilities and expertise has been a valuable contribution to the Office where (he/she) had been serving. (He/She) had initiated several fund raising activities in order to help finance some of the outreach projects of the (department/company) that greatly augmented the (department's/company's) allocation that the outreach projects was able to accommodate more recipients and established the same in other needy areas. 
e) The only time that (Mr./Ms recommendee) has been absent for more than seven(7) working days was when (he/she had to bring (his/her) child to the hospital for treatment of serious injuries from a vehicular accident. (His/Her) daily time records show (he/she) has never been tardy nor did (he/she) leave before (his/her) scheduled departure time. 
Besides the aforementioned, (Mr./Ms. Recommendee) successfully passed, with a rating of Outstanding, the Preliminary Interview conducted by the Human Resource Office. All the seven members of the research team unanimously voted (him/her) very fit and suitable for a permanent appointment. According to the Chairman of the Research Team, it is very rare for the team to come up with a unanimous decision about a prospective appointee. 
It is seldom that we find an employee with such exemplary working habits and attitude of work. It would be a great loss for our (department/company) should we find him working out of our premises. (His/Her) continued presence in our (department/company)will, most likely, influence our other employees to be as diligent and efficient as (he/she)is. (HIs/Her humble demeanor will likely have positive effects on the people (he/she) will work with as has been observed through the years. 
Since, there is a vacant permanent position, it is but fitting and timely to look into possibilities of offering (Mr./Ms. Recommendee) a permanent appointment in our (department/company.
May we, therefore, look forward to a kind and favorable consideration on this recommendation to offer (Mr./Ms. Recommendee) a permanent appointment in this (department/company). Your promt approval will be hightly appreciated.
Very respectfully yours,

(Recommending Official)
As mentioned earlier, this sample to recommend a permanent appointment is in the perspective of a recommending official. Nevertheless, anyone who is interested to apply for or recommend a permanent appontment to somebody would have an idea of what a permanent appointment entails and what companies are looking for.