Chances of Achieving a Pregnancy with IUI

Child is a gift that is desired by all couples in the world. Marriage within certain period of time without the presence of an obstacle is for all offspring pairs. In general, examination of the reproductive tract is required when various symptoms of pregnancy does not appear within a period of 2 years. Some fertility problems condition plays a very important. One of the most widely known methods to increase the chances of fertility is with IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). This term is also known as artificial insemination.

IUI process is executed by means of inserting a catheter into the cervix to send the sperm to reach the Fallopian tube channel. When sperm reach the fallopian tubes channel the chances of conception can occur with greater opportunities. Problems most feared by many couples who use this program are on IUI success rates. Meanwhile IUI process also requires a lot of support in the form of drugs that function to provide stimulation to the ovaries. Besides the function of drugs to stimulate the hormone HCG are awarded to provide the opportunity for the egg in order to grow better.

IUI process is a method of pregnancy program which is considerably less than other processes. Process to increase the success rates of IUI can be done in some clinics that have been reliable. Usually in the process of patient privacy became the main thing so that patients feel very comfortable. Issues regarding the chance of getting pregnant through IUI have become a very serious debate. This is because many couples who pinned their hopes on this process. But according to many studies disclosed a number of IUI success rates are in the 5-20 % figure. It is also influenced by the age of the woman who tried IUI program. Age below 35 years may have a greater chance than the age on it. In addition to the influence of the age of the mother’s health quality of sperm, the couple’s health and emotional conditions can provide a considerable influence on the success rate.

Almost all processes to increase fertility have some risks to be borne by the patient. It also occurs in the process of IUI. In IUI process usually expectant mothers get a lot of stimulation to increase the pregnancy hormone. If the patient's body gives an overreaction to drugs that can produce excess hormones that can cause ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome. This condition occurs because the ovaries react to drugs and undergo enlargement. Ovarian enlargement in certain conditions can lead to the leakage of stomach lining.

Basically the process of IUI success is dependent on many things. But among all the other methods of IUI is considered as a process that has the greatest chance. It is also influenced by various factors such as IUI process is usually done by taking the best time of all the chances to get pregnant. Couples can also go through the process with the opportunity to relax so that works out to be bigger.