Coping up with the hefty prices of In Vitro Fertilization: Part 1

The cost of ivf may be proven to cost a fortune due to its sophisticated process requiring a lot state-of-art technology to support the overall procedure to its success. And it required a lot of delicate and attentive treatment to top it all. For expectant couples struggling with infertility, in Vitro Fertilization mat promise a bundle of miraculous joys and wonders, but those said joys and wonders ultimately will also cost a bundle as an equivalent exchange. Even the wealthiest of couples will struggle with the financial aspect of this procedure, as the cost of it adds up quickly. 

Given the average $12,000 per cycle and more depending on how and what kind of treatments suitable for your needs, some couples may give up and turn their back on this method. But is it really worth it? Is it the wisest course of action to dismiss the possibility of in Vitro Fertilization? Well, it is highly suggested that you and your partner think twice on this. While in Vitro Fertilization maybe not the only option available to assist fertility, but it is worth to be considered as it is one of the methods provided to cope up with infertility that holds many successful history behind it, and yours might be the next in line.

Sure, it is obvious that great things come in the equal price and sacrifice, and how it also rings true to the cost of ivf, but also consider how it will be definitely worth a try and you may have successful pregnancy in the process. You may have to fish out and dig out deeper for money from your pocket, but you also know how the saying goes of “you will never know unless you try”. Yes, that’s it, that’s also works in principal with coping out the most stress and despair-inducing prices you will have to pay for in Vitro Fertilization. 

While it won’t bring you instant cash from the sky to fall out directly in front of you, but with just the right commitments and wise attempts, you can do it, you can afford it. And don’t ever think of giving up and take the short cut by looking for a cheaper clinic offering a ‘cheap price’ for this, because there might be something omitted from the price description or if it doesn’t, then it is dubious in process and worth to be crossed out of the list of possible options. There is no shortcut for this; as there is no easy way to just reduce or cut off the price. You will have to fight this head-on like a true warrior, a budget warrior. And do you have what it takes to be a warrior? You are if you are willing to consider and realize these tips to make cost of ivf slightly more affordable:

  1. Read all the insurance terms of conditions very carefully. Some people are not aware that they are eligible for at least a partial coverage to cover up the cost for fertility treatments. This is partly because some of the insurance companies reluctant or unwilling to be clear about this particular information, and ignorance on the customer’s end. But anyway, do not assume that insurance won’t cover you, even if it will not cover all of the costly procedures, but at least it will cover some parts of it. Pay really close attention to all of the terms and policies listed, even to the smallest word. This is needed to be done as you have to know how to meet their rules in order to get some of their support. Once you’ve done this, the next thing you can do is to call the company or ask more questions regarding this, always have the policy list in hand as when they deny it, you have already armed with weapons necessary to refute it. 
  2. Survey Clinics and Negotiate. While some maybe tempted to be loyal with only one doctor you have known or seen so far, but you will need to put your family’s financial well being first while looking for more viable options both in financial aspects and health-safety-related aspects. When comparing prices, remember to dig and ask the clinics for as much as information you can get, ask what is included and what is not. A clinic may have a slightly expensive price because they include the cot for blood test and ultrasound, while some isn’t. So keep in mind to ask everything that will be involved in the procedure along with its respective prices. 
  3. Save up money while buying fertility drugs. The drugs are actually what make up a huge percentage of overall cost for in Vitro Fertilization cost, but with a little research, you can find out whether you are able to get a discount or even a better price. You can purchase your fertility drugs from a specialty pharmacy. Some of them will even go as far as to help you to negotiate for the best price if you are a member. 
  4. IVF Refund Programs. There’s this thing called shared risk or refund policy when things gone awry as the treatments are not successful. Make sure you have extensive knowledge about this so you will know what to do in case of anything happen. So here’s the gist of it; you pay upfront for multiple treatments in the future, with the average of cycles you can pay up are for three cycles. Then afterward, the program promises to refund all or some part of the paid money if it turns out the cycle take an unexpected, unwanted route within the cycle you have paid upfront. 
  5. Ask for financial supports from external sources. If you can stomach the uncomfortableness of asking cash, then you can try applying for fertility grants. The application can be expensive and they may not cover all, but it’s worth a try. Crowd –funding is also a viable option. 
  6. Borrow the cash you require. The borrowing option go beyond what credit cards can provide, you can consider borrow the cash from your family or your friends. 
  7. With those things said and done, you can expect the cost to be slightly affordable for you and your partner. It may be unpleasant at first but let’s face it; every thing requires sacrifice and process for it to work. Just remember that you aren't alone and etch it in your mind that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle as long as you are willing to try and fight. If you are interested in crowd-funding and tips on borrowing money from relatives and friends, you can read the next section of part 2 and part 3. We hope the best for you!