Being Surrogate Mother for Couple with Infertility Problem

There will be more than enough situations that make infertility to be the serious problem within marriage. The statistic actually set that the problem for getting pregnant actually set by the chance of 40 % female infertility case, 40 % male infertility case and 20 % unknown reason. To be more specific, the female infertility may happen due to some situation range from damage on fallopian tubes, hormonal disorder, cervical cause, uterine cause up to unexplained infertility. While on the male side,
the problem may happen when the sperm low count, abnormal shape and poor motility. The sperm blockage transport, sperm antibodies, impotence and hormonal problem will be the cause for male infertility. Do not forget about the chance to have unexplained infertility chance on male side.   Once you learn about this situation, you may want to give a real help. For this reason, it is worth to consider being a surrogate mother.

To ensure things run accordingly, you need to know the condition for becoming a surrogate mother. The first is you already have at least a child. Your experience with your previous pregnancy will be a good way to ensure things will go as smoothly as possible. It is worth to note that any serious problem that you have during your first pregnancy will be another reason for the application to be rejected. The second, you have to discuss about the idea with your family. This is important to limit the chance for any social misunderstanding. Not everyone will accept this idea easily. This is set by the fact that traditional surrogacy actually will use your own eggs to get fertilized. It will be another way around to consider you as the biological mother despite of the contract statement. For a better option, you can take the gestational surrogacy to make sure that you have no biological ties with the child. This method will only make use your womb as place to grow the fertilized egg and sperm. The third, there will be age limit for the surrogate mother. Most of the agency will set the limit started from 21 up to 40 years old. This condition is set to make sure that the pregnancy and the birthing process will bear less risk and complication chances. The fourth is the surrogate mother candidate and her husband should be ready to have blood test. The test was intended to check the health status and preventing any infectious disease influence the pregnancy and the child.

Surrogacy is still quite debatable. Not everyone really loves the idea for surrogacy. Some people with high moral standard simply detest the intention to make surrogacy as another professional career. But at the same time, it will be a real help for anyone who want to bear a child in any possible way. To limit the conflicting ideas, you have to set the surrogacy under a detailed contract. It will let related parties to have clear understanding about the right and obligation. As the surrogate mother, you need to build a real close communication with the intended parent well.