About Us

Welcome to XRTY Soup. Our mission is present great content as unique as possible for you, of course in an unexpected way.

official XRTY Soup logo

Our philosophical message is cover everything. Look at the logo above. It says soup for everything. Not just for the soul, for the body, for your mind, etc. But it's for everything. Because we are cover everything that doesn't cover before by mainstream site.

In today's modern world, the one thing that is seen all too often is imitation. Whether it's your favorite tv show, internet message board, or family member - everyone seems to be copying from someone else. Here at XRTYSoup there's only one thing you should be prepared for - to expect the unexpected. Delivered to you hot off the press, untouched by other sites or anyone else. We here at XRTYSoup are tired of the copying; we are tired of the imitation. We long to bring you something new, original, and heretofore unseen at this stage of development.

You may ask why anyone would want this. Why would someone want something so far from the norm. After all, imitation is so common in the world now - isn't it just another form of flattery? Dare to be different, my friends. Dare to ask more of yourselves and the people around you. Dare to ask more of us. 

Whatever I post here will not have been covered by any blog or internet content site. It will be new, raw, original and straight to your screen. We only specialize in new content that hasn't been touched or twisted by regular news sites or other internet bloggers. From us to you - this is a resurrection of the original content source. This is a revolution against mainstream information-sharing and the re-hashed, repeated tripe that in these modern times we call original. Dare to be different, people. Dare to question your reality. Dare to demand answers. 

You are probably wondering right now how this could be possible. How can we get access to content and information that no one else has touched before? Because we are here when it's actually happening. We see it - and deliver it to you - at a firsthand level. Because of our raw technique, our information and content will have an added layer of authenticity that is mostly lost in today's entertainment frenzy. Here at XRTYSoup, our authenticity is our brand. We don't only talk about certain topics or certain people. We don't limit ourselves to one area of the world and cast a blind eye towards the rest of humanity. Expect the unexpected. Our articles will address a variety of topics in a variety of situations. We will examine events from all angles in order to ascertain the true picture of what is going on in the world around us. We don't judge content on it's popularity with other writers- we judge it on its subject matter and its variety. Most important here at XRTYSoup is the originality of the information that we provide. It's original. It's exciting. It's something that you will not find anywhere else. 

Because we don't limit ourselves to a topic, we aren't bound by the chains of commonality that restrict other writers. We unleash our creativity in full force on our readers, delivering content that cannot be predicted. Our unpredictability is a sign of our authenticity. It is our brand that we use to distinguish us from the other banal sites out there who simply rehash already-known information in an attempt to entertain you. We are here to do more than entertain you - we are here to blindside you with our shocking variety of information and product. We are here to challenge your beliefs in the world as you see it today. We are here to open your eyes to a brand new kind of internet writing - one not seen before. We are truly an original, unpredictable, and authentic site; and we don't apologize for it one bit.

The word "unique" is both misused and overused in modern society. Often those wishing to be known as "unique" are simply wanting to be part of another group. They desire a label, a status. We eschew labels here at XRTYSoup. We insist on surprising our readers with new and exciting materials that they will not find anywhere else on the web. We lay claim to the title "unique" and dare anyone else to try to take it away from us. Our unexpected, shocking content will keep our readers on the edges of their seats, waiting with pregnant expectation for the next installment to be posted. Truly, the world may not be ready for us, but they are just going to have to get used to it. 

Understand that, after reading articles on XRTYSoup, regular blogs and content sites will have no real value to you. You will grow addicted to our surprising selection of variety and impromptu writing styles. You will be tired of tripe, exhausted to the core by the lack of originality seen on other sites. Realize now that we are warning you of this beforehand. We aim to impress.

Originality and Spontaneity are our bread and butter. We specialize in bringing you the unexpected, the unreported - the real content and subject matter that you won't find on any other site. We revel in our uniqueness and think that you will too. XRTYSoup will be unlike anything you have ever experienced before. That's our goal. That's our plan. We want to bring you to a place that you've never been before, then shove you off the cliff with a parachute on and let you control your own trip to the bottom. That's what writing is all about. That's what we at XRTYSoup are all about as well. 

If you enjoy hearing the same information from the same, boring sites, then XRTYSoup isn't for you. If you are afraid to experience life, are frightened by the unexpected, then this site isn't for you. We are here to tempt the willing, to bring those who question their reality to a place where that questioning is not only welcome, but encouraged. Only then can one truly be free. 

Here at XRTY Soup, we stand by our pledge to bring you cutting-edge, untouched subject matter straight to your computer screen. Come with us on this journey of knowledge. Throw yourself in headfirst and experience the world that you've never experienced before. Trust us - you'll enjoy what you find. Welcome to XRTY Soup. We think that you are going to like it here - a lot.

XRTY Soup - Soup for everything