What to Include in a Sample Study Plan for Canada

Developing a study plan can be difficult without any guidelines to go by. It is not enough to know what to put on the paper the person must know how to correctly reply to each question. Before an official Canada study plan is created a sample study plan for Canada should be designed. Study plans are usually developed following an acceptance letter from a foreign country. The problem is the majority of people who are accepted into foreign programs have no ideal what a study plan is, how to format one, and what requirements needs to be addressed.

The basic definition of a study plan is defined as a description or outline of a program of study that clearly relates to the vocational, technical or academic qualifications of the applicant. Even with this much information to go by, it may not be enough for students to comprehend. There are five or more main questions that the applicant needs to practice answering. These questions need to be addressed and answered properly.

Why do you want to reside in Canada to pursue a program of study in which you have been accepted? This is a logical question. However, some people may be dumb founded and at a loss for words. Nevertheless, the question must be answered in a satisfactory manner. After all, the United States accept foreign exchange student regularly, throughout the year. Each country has something unique to offer foreigner visitors that they can learn from and take back home. What are your educational goals for your future? This question should be easy to answer. Everyone should have some ideal as to what their long term career goals are. Even if no definite goal has been developed a basic idea should at least be thought about. Some people have already outlined their career choices and they exactly know what directions they are headed in. Their plans include not only the program of study, but the length it will take them to get their degree and the total cost of the program.

What are your reason(s) for not pursuing cheaper educational opportunities in your own country? What are your choices? Have you research them? These may sound like very discouraging questions. However, they deserve an appropriate respond. To start with there are several reasons why people choose to study abroad; for the culture exposure, new learning opportunities and for self improvement. Once the reason(s) has been defined the layout of these questions should be easy to answer.

What significant ties do you have in your country that will encourage you to return upon completion of your studies? This is probably the easiest question to answer. Everyone has some emotional ties at home that keep pulling on their heart strings. It could be a family member, a spouse, a parent or a best friend. Perhaps it is the promise of a job or the start of a new business. Being able to relay this information in an understandable format is very important.

After receiving this Canadian diploma do you think it will increase your opportunities to gain desirable employment in your country? Sometimes employers look for employees who can bring new perspectives to a job site. New ideas mean new opportunities. People who come or learn from other countries learn to integrate two cultures into one. They could be considered a well rounded person with diverse experiences.

The letter should be addressed to the proper officials. It should mention other details that may not have been asked for in the application. Show signs of independence by list living arrangements, what you plan to do to support your own program of study and how will you fund your education. These are important factors to include in the application. Even if they are not specifically asked, the questions may come up in the future.

Make several copies of the sample letter and keep it in a safe place. You never know when you may need it again. Keep all important documents together preferably in a binder or folder. However, the best method of keeping papers and not losing them is to copy them to a jump drive. This way you will have instant access to your documents at a moments notice.