Things You Need to Know about Artificial Insemination Cost

If you are interested in using artificial insemination as your infertility treatment or as a way to conceive your baby, then there are some things worth keeping in mind as the price of this one depends and varies a lot because of many factors. The artificial insemination cost relies on these following factors; type of procedures you are doing, where you obtain the sperm and whether you have to consume fertility drugs or not. Other factors also include insurance coverage and the respective clinic's costs policies. This article is going to discuss more about the latter two factors.

The first is the insurance coverage factors. Whether you are choosing to perform the insemination procedure at the clinic or doctor's office, the cost will rely on your insurance plan, including whether you are covered partial or not for this type of treatment. You may have a little problem getting covered by your insurance policies unless you have known fertility issues.

There are some cases where sexual preference poses hindrance to this, as the frequent cases of lesbians who denied of coverage because they aren't technically tried for a year with a man to get pregnant, even if they do have fertility problems. Because most of the time, the stated definition of infertility is as the following, “the inability to get pregnant after a year or more of unprotected intercourse”. The best thing to do to prevent any kind of trouble or disappointment is to check with your personal insurance agencies about their policies and coverage obligations. The price will be varied even more if you are required or include fertility drugs in your clinical insemination treatments, such as the relatively less expensive Clomid medicine or Injectible, which is much more expensive than the first one.

The second is the respective cost of the fertility clinic. Many fertility clinics include a clear list of their prices and services on their websites. This is a thing which is recommended by RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association in United States. So, if you find out a website of a clinic that doesn't include the details of their prices and treatments and decline when asked via phone or via face-to-face consultation, consider this as a red flag. The initial consultation fee ranged generally from $100 to $500 and the artificial insemination cost treatment itself will ranged anywhere from $200 to $600 for each pregnancy attempts, and it will doubled up if you do it for several times. But don't worry; the artificial insemination cost is relatively inexpensive in comparison with other treatments, so it probably won't damage your financial department all that much. The prices usually follow up with these following treatment fees:

  1. Monitoring  plus Ultrasound: $150 – $300 (if not covered by insurance)
  2. Monitoring plus  Bloodwork: $100 – $300 (if not covered by insurance)
  3. Sperm cost (see the price list from the sperm bank websites) and delivery fee (may varied depends on the clinic)
  4. Sperm processing or preparation: $200 – $400
  5. Fertility drugs: approximately $100 and more if you use the more expensive medication like Injectibles. 

Cost of sperm also play a role in determining the price, depending on the sperm bank, the procedure you are planning to use, and form an open donor or form anonymous ones. There are also fees on sperm bank storage since there are always possibilities that you won't get pregnant on the first try and you still want to keep trying with the same sperm. All in all, the cost for artificial insemination is still relatively affordable compared to any other treatments, now the thing left to be said and hope is “Good Luck”. Hope that your pregnancy will be a successful one!