How Much a Surrogate Mother Normally Get Paid?

The trend of surrogacy doesn't only bring advantage and help to the mother who wishes to be pregnant, but also for the healthy women who has potential to be pregnant. Even though it carries lots of risk as normally expectant mother experience, surrogate mother pay is really large. By undergoing a safe procedure from the very beginning to after the birth, the risk will certainly become smaller. Lots of women now see surrogacy as another option to make money and to make a living for their family. If you're one of them, you may get curious about how much they actually get paid for one entire surrogacy procedure. This estimation can be really varied as if you're going into agency, the rate will be likely determined by them. However, at least the estimation will be around these following rates.

Surrogate mother will get paid basically around $30,000 for the entire process. Taking surrogacy as your professional job, $30,000 is your total wage. You'll get paid around $3,000 per month after the baby inside your womb show the heartbeat sign. It will be less or more around 10 month. Of course, certain thing like premature birth can happen and you may get your pay reduced, unless you have contract stating that the pay has nothing to do with some cases. The more experienced the surrogate mother is, the more expensive the rate will be. It can reach up to another extra $10,000.  If the surrogate mother take care the baby well and it satisfies the client, they may get more tip. Beside the surrogacy fee, surrogate mother will receive compensations over all the expenses done that related the pregnancy. First, it is monthly allowance. This allowance relates to all daily needs the mother expense that related to pregnancy, such as transportation to the hospital, maternity clothing, pregnant mother's special milk or related phone calls made. The agency or client may determine different amount for monthly allowance since the beginning, so it tends to be not flexible, unless something unusual happens. Normally, the agency will determine $200 for monthly allowance.

Before and after going into labor, all the expenses related are also compensated, including the transportation, parking, bed rest and so forth. You may give birth to more than one child only. It can be multiple twins. The cost you need to expense will also increase. This matter is usually taken care on the contract, so if such thing happen, you've got compensated already. The baby delivering process can be diverse, from normal to Caesarian delivery. Client will bear the extra expense for surgery as well. During your period as being a surrogate mother, you are fully under insurance for at least 1 year worth around $250,000. This insurance and its monthly premiums will be all covered by the clients. It's always good to visit many agencies before deciding to be a surrogate mother. There you can check the one which is not only good at rates, but also have comprehensive coverage, especially regarding legal and medical matters.